Mrs. Deach's 4th Grade

First Pres. Preparatory School              Mrs. Michelle Deach            June 3, 2019 

No Stopping now...
Down to the last 
 3 1/2 DAYS!


Thank YOU!
It’s been a pleasure having your children in my class. It’s been a pleasure watching them grow. My hope is they continue to work hard and keep their priorities in order= putting school first! 

Thank you Rosie and Val for being our room moms this year!

Have a wonderful 

Master’s Week
The 4th graders will have the opportunity to ‘teach’ the class anything they choose. I’ve been blown away every year! There has been smoothie demonstrations, stunt work, dry ice experiments, cooking, sports, power point presentations, art, etc. There will be a sign up sheet on my window for 1/2 hour spots. This is a participation activity, so any items/supplies needed, will be brought by the ‘teacher.’ I participate as well! *Sign up sheet on the window. I would love for everyone to TEACH!

Report Cards
The final report card will come home on Thursday, the last day of school. I will have a folder of final graded work coming home this day too.

2pm dismissal Mondays
5th Grade Softball game– 6/3
5th Grade Graduation– 6/5 @ 9:30am

The LAST Upcoming Tests…

There are NONE!!!




Mrs. Michelle Deach